Childcare on YOUR terms.

We understand that your schedule is packed with numerous responsibilities. Our registration process is efficient and straightforward.



Your application starts by simply filling out our online form. Don’t worry, we walk you through each step!



Once approved, you will fill out a few forms and provide all required documentation as well as select your membership tier and hours.



Last, but certainly not least, you’ll login to your Novella Booking account and start booking drop-off slots for your kids!

“Thanks for being so organized and making this so easy to follow! I am so impressed with the attention to detail and the high level of effort that was clearly put into the handbook and policies.”

— Eagle Member

Types of Care

  • flexible hourly childcare

    Flexible Care

    Purchase as many hours per month as you need. The more you buy, the less per hour you pay. Book drop-off slots through our custom booking app, Novella.

  • fulltime childcare

    Consistent Care

    We offer both fulltime and “choose-your-own” part-time consistent childcare through our Consistent Care Service. If you have the same days and hours each week, your slots are guaranteed and we book them for you! Slots are limited.

how to apply application for childcare documentation state licensed

1. Apply

As a licensed childcare facility, we are required to follow all New Hampshire childcare licensing requirements. We’ll need to make sure we collect all of the required information before making your membership official. But don’t worry! We’ve streamlined the process for you!

  • Before applying, be sure to estimate your hours to ensure you know your choices when applying.

    But don’t worry, even after application, we will work with you to finalize your membership choices prior to payment.

  • Simply fill out our application form indicating your childcare needs. We will review every application to ensure that we are the best fit for your family.

    You will indicate here if you would like Flexible Care or Consistent Care.

  • Once your application has been reviewed and accepted, you will move onto the enrollment phase!

enroll child membership tier select hours payment easy

2. Enroll

Here’s where the fun begins! With our hourly model, YOU get to choose how many hours, which membership tier, and which benefits best suit your family’s unique needs!

  • Our modern enrollment process is almost completely paper-less! You will be asked to provide all state-required documentation for each child you would like to enroll. Be sure to have your child’s most recent physical, immunization records, important medical information such as allergies and medical conditions, and emergency contact information ready to ensure a quick and easy enrollment process.

  • While you applied with an estimate for hours, we will work with you to ensure everything matches the needs of your family!

    You will be enrolled as either a Flexible Care or Consistent Care member.

    You will also have an opportunity to select any add-ons that would reduce your mental load!

  • We’ll send you a payment link to start your membership. We will bill your card automatically each month for the number of hours you purchased, plus any add-ons you selected.

    If you need to change your membership at any time, simply call the center!

Book schedule childcare slots online easy mobile app communication parents manage membership change payment cancel update payment method

3. Book

Booking drop-off time with our one-of-a-kind booking app is super easy. Select which child(ren) you would like to book and then select the dates and times you need. All directly from your phone!

  • Flexible Care Only

    Once you’ve paid for your membership, we will send you an activation link to our custom booking software powered by Novella Booking.

    Novella tracks the New Hampshire state childcare ratios in real time. Once logged in, you will be able to book childcare slots!

    Your balance of hours will automatically adjust as you book and you’ll always know how many hours you have remaining for the month.

    If you enrolled as a Consistent Care Member, you’ll skip this step since we book all your hours for you!

  • All Members

    The Famly communication app is your one-stop-shop for connecting with The Nest Family Center. You can manage your family’s profile, securely check your children in and out of the facility, and communicate directly with our staff throughout the day.

  • All Members

    Your recurring membership is managed through our payment processor, Stripe. Access your account to change your payment method, view past invoices, etc.

“I would love to find safe and trustworthy childcare so I could fit some self-care in.”

— New Hampshire Mom

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